The most desirable trekking destination: Everest Base Camp Trek

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Last Updated on January 31, 2022 by Treks Planner Nepal

Mt. Everest (8,848m) is the highest mountain in the world, and it is nestled in the Khumbu region of Nepal, as everyone knows. Nepal has become one of the most popular trekking locations in the world due to the presence of Mt. Everest.

Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most recognized and pursued trekking destinations among trekkers all over the world, and this trek may give you lots a mix of excitement and challenge. The Everest base camp trek takes you downhill through rhododendron, magnolia, and pine forest. Small settlements and smooth trails with delightful alpine foliage, monasteries, and colorful prayer flags await you ahead, as does the valley, which is so magnificent that you will be compelled to take pictures. Another highlight is the Dudh Kosi River, a glaciated river as white as milk that you will cross frequently over high suspension bridges, making the climb more exciting.

Why Everest Base Camp is the most sought-after trekking destination?

  1. The trek begins with a thrilling and magnificent flight from Kathmandu to Lukla, which is the first highlight of the trip. One can get first glimpses of the majestic Himalayan range during this flight.
  2. EBC trek is non-technical and entirely achievable for anyone with some basic fitness and determination.
  3. The Everest Base Camp trek is one of the most impressive and beautiful in the Himalaya. The scenery is varied and breathtaking, the hotels and trails are of the best standard, and the interactions with the Sherpa people are truly remarkable.
  4. The enormous rocky mountains offer everything from silent alpine lakes and glacier plains to frothy rivers and valleys carpeted with pink blossoms.

Everest Base Camp Weather

Everest Base Camp Trek in Spring (March, April, May)

The months of spring are known to be ideal for trekking to Everest Base Camp. The weather is relatively stable in the spring, making it perfect for high-altitude climbing.

Aside from the pleasant weather, the appealing views of the blue sky and bright rhododendrons along the walk are unquestionably pluses. The best season, with the nicest weather, does, however, come at a cost. The region becomes quite crowded during the high season.

Everest Base Camp Trek in Monsoon ( June, July, August)

Hiking to EBC during the monsoon season is possible however not recommended. Rainclouds can hide mountain views, in addition to the wet weather, which can cause landslides on paths and muddy conditions. However, the weather is milder at this time of year, and it rains almost every day. Trekking in the monsoon can be great if you’re adequately equipped for the rain and don’t mind getting a little drenched along the way. The monsoon season is considered off-season, allowing you to travel in solitude. In addition, monsoon mornings get the most breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas.

Everest Base Camp Trek in Autumn (September, October, November)

As the monsoon fades, the autumn trekking season begins in late September. This time of year is marked by clear sky and crisp air, with October and early November being particularly ideal for hiking. Although the weather is cooler today than it was during the spring season (about -10°C at Base Camp during the day), the days are dry and the vistas are spectacular. The monsoon rains have also washed the landscape clean, making it look exceptionally lush and verdant. Late September and October also mark the start of Nepal’s most important festival, the 15-day Dashain festival, which honors Durga, the Goddess of Victory.

Everest Base Camp Trek in Winter ( December, January, February)

Winter is a terrific season for great adventure if you are well prepared for the chilly weather. You’ll be able to enjoy spectacular mountain vistas and beautiful skies. All you have to do now is prepare appropriately. Also, if you want to avoid jostling for space with other travelers, winter is the best season. The Everest region receives fewer visitors throughout the winter months because it is considered off-season. The Everest Base Camp Trek may seem difficult at this time of year, but it is not impossible.

Everest Base Camp Trek FAQs:

How much does it take to trek in Everest Base Camp?

The cost of trekking in the Everest base camp is based on the length of the trek. Depending on the route, the trip might cost somewhere between $1150 to $3500.

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Maghe Sankranti: Solstice Festival of Nepal

Sankrati Delicacy

Last Updated on January 24, 2022 by Treks Planner Nepal

Makar Sankranti, also known as Maghe Sankranti, is a Nepalese festival that marks the end of the winter solstice in the month of Paush. In the Vikram Sambat or Yele calendar, it falls on the first of Magh. The 15th of January in the year 2022 is Maghe Sankranti. In comparison to the winter month of Poush, the celebration is seen as the start of warmer days. It is believed that the sun will begin to shift toward the northern hemisphere on this day. It is a solstice festival celebrated in Nepal.

During this event, Hindu devotees bathe in Nepal’s auspicious and religious rivers. Shankamul on the Bagmati River, Gandaki/Narayani River in the Triveni, Devghat in Chitwan, Ridi on the Kaligandaki, and Dolalghat on the Sunkoshi in the Koshi River basin are some of Nepal’s significant holy river places. People pray to Lord Vishnu, perform Pujas, and read the Bhagwad Gita, the Hindu holy book.

Makar Sankranti is believed to mark the start of a new holy season, which ended with the arrival of winter. It signifies the end of an inauspicious period of time that commenced around the middle of December. It is said that beginning on Makar sankranti day, any auspicious and sacred rite can be performed. This day ushers in a new era of longer and warmer days. Simply put, Makar Sankranti marks the end of winter and the start of spring, as well as the harvest season.

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Selling Til Laddu (Sesame Sweets) in Ason Market

In the first of Magh, families get together and share food. During this joyous occasion, they share Til (Sesame) Laddoo, Ghee, Chaku (Jaggery), Yam, and Sweet Potatoes. The priest wishes everyone in the family good health and a brighter future. The Nepalese Brahmins and Chhetris commemorate Magh by inviting their married daughters and close relatives to their homes and providing them with special feasts and best wishes.

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Maghe Sankranti Festival’s Stories

Maghe Shankranti has mythology linked with it. A Bhadgaun (now Baktapur) merchant was doing a booming business. He sold a lot of sesame, yet he never ran out of supply. He looked for the sign. He discovered the Lord Vishnu Idol beneath the seeds while cleaning the stockpile. After that, the Idol is worshipped as Til Madhav Idol. The idol is said to provide food, prosperity, and fortune to Bhaktapur if it is worshipped.

According to Hindu tradition, some religious books mention the significance of Maghe Sankranti. According to the Mahabharata, Bhisma Pitamaha, who possesses enormous power and has been granted the ability to control his death, chose this day to die. The Hindu epic Mahabharat is the world’s largest epic ever written. This is the day Bhisma discovered the words of wisdom of life and death while resting in the bed of arrows all shot by Arjun. Those who die on this day are said to achieve Moksha or escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Maghe Sankranti is significant because it encourages family and community bonding. In Nepal, the joyful celebration is held on this day in high regard. Huge religious merits among many ethnic cultures commemorate Maghe Sankranti in their unique fashion. From one neighborhood to the next, the delicacies differ. The cultural aspect is also included.

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Eight-Thousander Mountains of Nepal

Island Peak Climbing Package e1528428415370

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Treks Planner Nepal

The Eight-Thousander Mountains of Nepal are well-known around the world and offer once-in-a-lifetime experiences. There are 14 peaks in the world, eight of which are located in Nepal. Nepal’s peaks are above 8000 meters. Mt Everest, the world’s highest peak, is located in Nepal. Nepal, being a land of Himalayan peaks, provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience amid snow-capped mountains. These mountains have a fascinating appeal, and for mountaineers, climbing all of the world’s highest summits is a dream come true.

Mountain climbing is one of the most exhilarating and fulfilling activities that pumps the adrenaline rush through your veins. All of these 8000m treks are open to climbers. Climbers from all around the world can participate in the 8000m expedition and other mountain expeditions, allowing them to conquer a high Himalayan mountain and fulfill a lifelong desire. The best time to go on an expedition in Nepal is in the spring. Climbing in the winter, on the other hand, is becoming increasingly popular among climbers.

1. Mt Everest (8,848.86 m)

Mt. Everest, at an elevation of 8,848.86 meters (29,029 feet), is the world’s tallest mountain, recognized by both China and Nepal. Out of all the fourteen 8000m summits in the world, Everest has the most summiteers. The climb to Everest base camp is also a popular trekking trip destination in Nepal. The trek brings you to the world’s tallest mountain base camp.

2. Mt Kanchenjunga (8,598 Meters)

Mount Kanchenjunga, the world’s third-highest peak, is located in the eastern section of Nepal, bordering the Nepal-India boundary. This name is originated from the five prominent peaks. Kanchenjunga means “five treasures of the Great Snows” in Sikkimese. Mount Kanchanjunga can be ascended via three different routes: northwest, southwest, and northeast.

3. Mt Lhotse (8,516 Meters)

Mt. Lhotse, part of the Everest massif, is a magnificent mountain. It is the world’s fourth-highest peak, standing at 8516 meters. It is located on the Tibetan-Nepal border. The Lhotse main peak (8,516m), Lhotse Middle East (8,414m), and Lhotse Shar (8,414m) are the three summits of Lhotse (8,383m).

4. Mt Makalu (8,463 Meters)

Mount Makalu (8,463 m) is the world’s fifth-highest peak. In the Mahalangur region, the four-sided pyramid peak is roughly 19 kilometers southeast of Mount Everest. Crossing multiple technical parts on Mt. Makalu, including steep pitches and knife-edged peaks, is required.

From the summit of Makalu, the breathtaking vistas of the entire Himalayan panorama will make you forget about your hardships. From Kanchenjunga in the east to Shishapangma in the west, the snow-capped mountains can be seen. The Makalu Expedition will take you on a fantastic trip while ascending to the world’s fifth highest mountain.

5. Mt Cho Oyu (8,201 Meters)

Cho Oyu is one of the most well-known 8000-meter summits. It is located in the Khumbu Region of Nepal, in the eastern section of the country. The world’s sixth tallest mountain is located on the Nepal-Tibet border, about 70 kilometers from Everest. The most popular climbing route for Cho Oyu is the North West ridge from Tibet. On both sides, Cho, you share a base camp (Nepal and Tibet, China). The majority of climbers approach Cho Oyu from the north side (Tibet side).  From the Tibetan side, the Cho Oyu Expedition is one of the most straightforward climbs, with the highest success percentage of any of the 8000-meter peaks.

6. Mt Dhaulagiri (8,167 Meters)

Mt. Dhaulagiri (the world’s seventh-tallest mountain), also known as “White Mountain,” is located in Nepal’s Myagdi region, 120 kilometers west of the Kali Gandaki River, and stands at an official elevation of 8,167 meters (26,795 feet) below sea level. The name Dhaulagiri is derived from the Sanskrit term “Dhawala,” which means “dazzling, white, and lovely,” and “Giri,” which means “mountain.” Specifically, tributaries of the Bheri River run through the north and southwest areas, while the Myagdi River runs through the southeast. Though the Gurung and Thakali ethnic groups are considered permanent, the region is impacted by both Buddhist and Hindu cultures.

7. Mt Manaslu (8,163 Meters)

The Manaslu region is located in Nepal’s west-central region. Trekking in the Manaslu region is thrilling, and hikers will be enthralled by the region’s pristine beauty and nature. It is one of Nepal’s most isolated and off-the-beaten-path treks, known for its untouched nature, rich cultural history, and various stages of the natural landscape. As trekkers begin their journey through this region, the world’s eighth highest mountain, Mt Manaslu (8,156m), becomes apparent. Mt Manaslu is also considered a Spirit-mountain by the inhabitants of this region, who think it has spiritual deities. On the way to trekking, one can take in vistas of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri.

8. Mt Annapurna I (8,091 Meters)

The Annapurna range is a 55-kilometer-long chain of peaks, the largest of which, Mt. Annapurna I, is the world’s tenth highest peak. It is separated from the second huge mountain, the Dhaulagiri, by a wide valley cut through the Himalayas by the Kali Gandaki River. Annapurna I is 34 kilometers west of Dhaulagiri I. Annapurna technically means “full of grains” in Sanskrit, however, it is most commonly translated as “Goddess of Harvests.” Annapurna is another name for the Hindu Goddess of Fertility. The Annapurna Conservation Area Project encompasses the entire massif (ACAP). Mt Annapurna I is the highest peak in the Annapurna range, which also comprises three additional peaks with the same name.

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Enchanting Shey Phoksundo Lake Trek – Explore the heartwarming Dolpo region

Shey Phoksundo lake

Last Updated on February 1, 2022 by Treks Planner Nepal

Phoksundo Lake (3,611.5 m), located in Dolpo, is considered one of the most captivating and exotic tourist destinations. The trek to Phoksundo Lake is a short and easy route to one of Nepal’s most beautiful and deepest lakes. This trek combines Western Nepal’s great cultural diversity with a wide variety of biodiversity. During the Phoksundo Trek, you can see various rivers, streams, cascades, temples, stupas, monasteries, lakes, waterfalls, terraces, and lush alpine forest ecosystems. Shey Phoksundo Trip is a short trek through Nepal’s less developed areas, allowing you to see unspoiled Tibetan culture and customs, rural beauty, and the heavenly views of Shey Phoksundo Lake.


Dolpa’s religion is categorized into two sections: upper and lower Dolpa. Upper Dolpa has traditional Tibetan culture, while lower Dolpa has Buddhism and Bon, including the Ringmo Village. Many religious sites, including gompas, may be found at Shey Phoksundo Park. Shey Gompa, which was established in the 11th century, is the most well-known. Thashung Gompa, located near Shey Phoksundo Lake, was erected around 900 years ago.

Shey Phoksundo National Park offers a diverse range of flora and animals in addition to stunning vistas of the Himalayas. This region’s flora is exceptionally diversified. The park’s northern section is made mainly of the rugged upper Himalayan terrain. Caragana Shrubs, Rhododendron, Salix, Juniper, White Himalayan Birch, and the occasional silver fir cover the trans-Himalayan slope, which largely covers the Himalayan high meadows. Blue pine, hemlock, cedar, spruce, silver fir, bamboo, poplar, and rhododendron grow in the Suligad Valley. There are additionally 268 ethnobotanical species in the park.


In terms of wildlife, the region is home to a number of endangered species, including the grey wolf, musk deer, snow leopard, and blue sheep. A jackal, Himalayan black bear, leopard, Himalayan Tahr, and goral are among the other species found in the park. Yellow-throated marten and great Tibetan sheep There are also six different reptile species and 29 different butterfly species. Paralasa nepalaica, the world’s highest-flying butterfly, is among the 29 species of butterfly. A white-throated tit, wood accentor, Tibetan partridge, and crimson-eared rosefinch are among the park’s approximately 200 bird species.


Ways to get to Phoksundo Lake

By Air

Take a flight from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj and Nepalgunj to Juphal

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Juphal Airport

By Road

Drive to from Kathmandu – Nepalgunj – Jajarkot (Local Bus) – Radi Bazaar (Jeep/bus)

Drive from Rari – Tallubagar – Mulbazar – Lamachaur – Karapgaad – Khadang (Need to change jeeps on each stop)

Drive from Khadang – Tripurakot – Suligaad ( Need to change jeeps on each stop )


Local Jeep


Day 01: Drive to Nepalgunj from Damauli

Day 02 : Nepalgunj – Jajarkot – Rinma (Drive)

Day 03 : Rinma – Rari – Tallubagar – Mulbazar – Mulbazar – Lamachaur – Karapgaad – Khadang (Drive, Need to change jeeps on each stop)

Day 04 : Khadang – Tripurakot – Suligaad (Drive)

Day 05: Suligad – Kageni

Day 06: Kageni – Chhepka

Day 07 : Jharana Hotel – Phoksundo (Ringmo village 3460m)(Trek)

Day 08: Explore around Phoksundo Lake and viewpoint (4100m)

Day 09 : Ringmo – Kageni (trek)

Day 10: Trek from Kageni to Suligad and drive to Juphal Airport

Day 11: Fly to Nepalgunj (flight)

Day 12: Drive or flight from Nepalgunj – Kathmandu Drive

People of Dolpo

ppl of dolpa

The folks of Dolpo are another reason you ought to go to Dolpo. They have a wide smile on their face and a big welcoming heart. Always! It’s the kind of smile that makes your heart melt. They’ll make you feel at home. Despite the difficult life, they seem to be the happiest people.

Permit required for Lower Dolpo Trek

Dolpo is located next to the Tibetan border. Because it is a restricted region, this has always been a sensitive place that requires special attention. Trekkers must obtain special trekking permission from the authoritative entity to serene hiking experience in the region.

  1. Lower Dolpo Restricted Area Permit
  2. Shey Phoksundo National Park Permit

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