Thorung Peak Climbing via Annapurna Circuit

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Treks Planner Nepal

Thorung Peak Climbing via Annapurna Circuit. A unique experience adventure lovers worldwide should have on their bucket lists is climbing Thorong Peak in Nepal’s Annapurna Region. Peak Thorong Adventure seekers from all over the world are drawn to climbing in Nepal’s stunning Annapurna Region because it provides a special and unique experience. This peak climbing adventure is made even more thrilling and difficult by combining the well-liked Annapurna Circuit Trek with the Thorong peak climbing trip. Requiring both technical proficiency and a high degree of physical condition, this mountain, at an astounding elevation of 6,144 meters, poses a serious challenge. However, in contrast to other peak climbing expeditions in Nepal, Thorong Peak is regarded as comparatively less demanding and, for those with past expertise and a thorough understanding of equipment use, maybe a great beginning to peak climbing.


We begin our adventure with a picturesque drive from Kathmandu to Dharapani. The path meanders through the enthralling Annapurna Conservation Area as we rise from Dharapani towards Chame, providing mesmerizing views of imposing mountains and a sizable glacial plateau at the center of the area. As we move on, the flora gradually changes from thick woods to tiny bushes, leading to the Tibetan plateau-like terrain of Manang. Here, we explore the rich culture with Tibetan influences, participate in their customs, and give ourselves a day to get used to our fresh surroundings.

The summit of our trek is reached when we cross the famous Thorong La Pass, which is 5,416 meters above sea level. We are rewarded with breathtaking, expansive views of the Annapurna range, the captivating Kali Gandaki Valley, the formidable Dhaulagiri, and other magnificent peaks while crossing this pass. We reach the peak of Thorong Peak after preparing to the fullest extent possible—a remarkable and once-in-a-lifetime experience. The difficult climb is well worth it as we reach the top and are treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, including the breathtaking Nilgiri Peak, Tilicho Peak, Dhaulagiri Range, Annapurna Range, and the mesmerizing Mustang area and gorgeous Kali Gandaki Valley.

The route descends from the peak and takes us to Muktinath, a holy pilgrimage place where Buddhism and Hinduism coexist together. Moving further with our journey, we stop at the famous red monastery in Kagbeni, where we may see the Dalai Lama’s holy golden book. We go to Jomsom from Kagbeni, and the next morning we take a flight back to Pokhara to round out our vacation. We make the most of Pokhara, often known as Lake City,’s fascinating tourist options before heading back to Kathmandu.

Thorong Peak Climbing provides an experience that exceeds all expectations in terms of adventure, exhibiting the Annapurna region’s breathtaking scenery and a deep cultural immersion.


  • A true climbing experience appropriate for physically fit individuals.
  • Conquer the breathtaking Thorong Peak (6144m).
  • Trek across Thorong La Pass, a high alpine pass (5146m).
  • A picturesque trip through breathtaking valleys with a wide variety of breathtaking landscapes,
  • Trekking through low subtropical woods to high alpine rocky terrain with uninterrupted views of the Annapurna Massif and some of the world’s highest peaks, including Manaslu, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna 1.
  • Trek through the world’s deepest gorge, the Kali Gandaki Gorge.
  • Travel back in time to witness old villages with distinctive architecture, experience Buddhist culture, and trace the path of the famous Trans-Himalayan caravan route.
  • Trekking through thick forests of magnolia and rhododendrons, especially on March

GRADE: Moderate
START/END POINT: Kathmandu/Kathmandu
REGION: Annapurna
ACTIVITY: 5-6 hours
ACCOMMODATION: Teahouse +Camping
SEASON: Autumn – Spring


To reach the peak, one must overcome the demands and difficulties of Thorong Peak Climbing. However, the degree of the obstacles frequently relies on the climbing season, which also somewhat affects the weather. Therefore, the spring and autumn seasons, when there are less severe cold and significant rains, are the best times to climb Thorong Peak. There is a good chance that the weather for the Thorong Peak Climb will be more comfortable during these seasons than it will be during other seasons like the winter and monsoon.

Spring extends from March to May. The warmer weather makes these months ideal for trekking. The flowers are in full bloom and the pathway is covered with leaves and petals during this time of year. September through November is considered the second-best season. These months are distinguished by vivid clouds and a cool climate.


According to trekkers’ reviews and the untrod trekking paths, the Thorong Peak Climbing is the most favored and challenging trip. Trekkers with experience won’t have any problems on the trek, however, beginners could have some difficulties. Due to the high altitude and dirt roads of this trek, the average trekker may find it difficult to walk and break.
But there’s always a way around it. Beginners can incorporate these daily routines into their preparation for this hike: Jogging, going to the gym, walking, doing yoga and meditation, staying hydrated, and so on.

Since the weather in the Himalayan region fluctuates a lot, you should pack accordingly for an enjoyable trip. Warm clothing and suitable shoes are also recommended. We offer porters to help you carry your bags and oxygen cylinders, as well as guides who can give you directions to make your trek easier while you’re on the trail.


You should be physically fit and have good endurance to take on the Thorong Peak Climbing. At least two to three months before the expedition, you should begin your preparations. Here are some recommended measures to get ready:

Physical Fitness:

Climbing Thorong Peak is a strenuous activity that requires a high level of physical fitness. To increase your stamina, do cardiovascular workouts daily, such as cycling, hiking, or running. Exercises like lunges and squats will help strengthen your leg muscles. Add upper body exercises for arm strength and core exercises for stability.

Training for Endurance:

Since the journey entails many days of trekking at various elevations, concentrate on increasing your stamina. Increase the length and complexity of your treks gradually to get your body ready for the demands of the trek.

Since Thorong Peak is at a high altitude, altitude sickness is a possible risk. If you want to get used to the altitude before your trip, consider staying a few days at a lower height in the region. This will lessen the possibility of altitude sickness and assist your body in adjusting.

The Right Equipment:

Invest in top-notch trekking equipment, such as trekking poles, a durable backpack, cozy trekking and climbing boots, layers of warm clothes, and an appropriate sleeping bag. Having the right equipment is crucial to your comfort and safety on the trip.

Technical Climbing Skills:

Since Thorong Peak is a climbing trek, you must be skilled with the use of ropes, crampons, and other mountaineering equipment. For further information and practice on these, you can also enroll in a mountaineering course.

Mental Preparation:

Aim to mentally prepare yourself for whatever obstacles you may encounter on the trail. There can be challenging weather, long days, and physically taxing intervals. You can enjoy the adventure and conquer hurdles with the support of mental resilience.

Nutrition and Hydration:

You’ll burn a lot of calories on the hike, so pack high-energy foods like energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts. It’s important to stay hydrated, therefore bring a water-purifying system and stay hydrated.

Training Treks:

To gain a sense of the high-altitude landscape and assess your equipment and physical capabilities, plan on going on shorter treks or climbing expeditions before starting the Thorong Peak Climb.

Travel Insurance

Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that includes coverage for climbing and trekking at high altitudes to make sure you are financially secure in case of any unanticipated events.

Environmental Considerations:

Remind yourself to Leave No Trace and show respect for the indigenous ways of life while you trek through the fragile alpine environment.

To guarantee your health and safety, always get medical advice before to beginning any high-altitude hike or climbing excursion. It’s also very advised to hire a local guide, as they may offer priceless advice, information, and support all along the way.


Experience the breathtaking Thorong Peak Trek & Climb, which takes you through a fragrant, deep forest brimming with rhododendrons and exudes an air of remoteness. We’ll come across enchanting waterfalls and enchanted river streams on many occasions, which we’ll cross over using suspension or wooden bridges. We will be traveling through areas used by animals and by people, providing us with a wonderful opportunity to sample the fusion of these two disparate aspects of nature’s incredible creation. Finally, from our tent camp near Throng La Pass, which is located at an elevation of 5,416 meters, the incredible Thorong Peak Summit begins. After reaching the peak of Thorong Peak, which is certain to be a successful endeavor, we will end our Thorong Peak Trek there.


Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu
One of our team members will pick you up when you arrive at the Kathmandu airport. He will transport you to the hotel. Following some refreshments, we’ll have a brief conversation on your upcoming trip to Thorong Peak. In addition to being introduced to your guide and the other travelers who will be traveling with you, you can ask any questions you may have about the trip.

Day 2: Drive from Kathmandu to Jagat (1100M) Duration: 7-9 hours.
We will travel to Bhulbhule via Besisahar for seven or eight hours after your guide picks you up from your hotel. We register with the municipal government at Besisahar. We will spend the night at Bhulbhule, which is on the banks of the Marsyangdi River in Nepal, giving you time to get used to the rural landscape.

Day 3: Trek from Jagat to Dharapani (1860m) Duration: 5-6 hours.
We will trek for several hours, following the Marshyangdi River’s route, starting at Jagat. Along the route, we’ll stop for lunch before continuing on our journey in the direction of Dharapani. The routes from Manaslu meet the trails heading to the Annapurna Circuit at Dharapani, a major junction. It’s a thriving community that greets hikers and residents alike and provides a window into the many different adventure routes that await.

Day 4: Trek from Dharapani to Chame (2715m) Duration: 5-6 hours.
We’ll head uphill to the little town of Chame, which is well-known for its kind residents and stunning scenery. This section of the route will provide us with our first chance to be in awe of the sheer magnificence of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II, and Annapurna III. The majesty of these magnificent peaks is revealed when the scenery spreads out in front of us. While we take in the breathtaking vistas, we will also be grateful for the kind locals who are eager to welcome us on our trekking journey.

Day 5: Trek from Chame to Pisang (3240m) Duration: 4-5 hours.
From the northern bank of the river, the paths head north through pine forests and tiny settlements with occasional ups and downs, ending at the apple orchard village of Bhartang. We go along the trail that gradually ascends to a bridge. After crossing the bridge, a brief but steep ascent through a pine forest drops you down at the top of Dhukur Pokhari’s ridge, where lunch is served. Stepping out of the tree line affords you a fantastic view of Chulu Peak and Pisang Peak to the north, with Pisang hamlet situated below. Visit the Tibetan-style homes and monastery at Upper Pisang in the evening for an extensive view of the Annapurna range and valley.

Day 6 : Trek from Pisang to Manang (3519m) Duration: 7-9 hours.
Walking through a pine forest and taking in the beautiful scenery is a wonderful way to begin the adventure. The walk ascends gradually for thirty minutes until it reaches the top, where it stops at a ridge to give us our first glimpse of the Manang valley. This magnificent location offers breathtaking views of the valleys, Humde village with its small airstrip and the magnificent peaks of Gangapurna, Annapurna II & III, Tilicho, and Chulu East on the right, and Pisang peak on the back. The trek to Humde and the enjoyable stroll up to Braga village are both filled with examples of traditionally constructed Tibetan-style homes. If you have the opportunity, you should also visit the monastery, which features an amazing collection of sculptures, Thanka paintings, and sacred texts. It takes only one hour from here.

Day 7: Acclimatization day at Manang.
We’re going to spend the day relaxing and exploring Manang. The appealing village of roughly 500 flat-roofed homes is surrounded by breathtaking scenery, including the Grand Barrier to the west, Chulu West (6,583 meters) and Chulu East (6,059 meters) to the north, Annapurna II, Annapurna III (7,555 meters), Gangapurna (7,454 meters) to the south, and Tilicho (7,132 meters) to the north. Go to the Himalayan Rescue Association aid post if necessary or see a movie in Manang after spending a day of exploration and relaxation.

Day 8: Trek from Manang to Yak Kharka (4018m) Duration: 4-5 hours.
Following a hearty breakfast, we cross many minor river crossings to start our trek for the day. Our route takes us to the quaint town of Tenki, from there we head north through scenic fields and pastures where elegant horses and yaks graze in peace. This magnificent place is called ‘Yak Kharka,’ which means Yak pasture area, aptly summarising its character. We find solace and relaxation in Yak Kharka’s peaceful surroundings tonight.

Day 9: Trek from Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4560m) Duration: 3-4 hours.
We say goodbye to Yak Kharka today and aim to reach the foot of the 4,650-meter-high daunting Thorong La Pass. We are going to spend the day at a modest, peaceful place where we may relax and get ready for the trials that lie ahead. We prioritize safety and advise spending the night in Thorong Phedi, while fit individuals may choose to continue their ascent and spend the night at the high camp.

Day 10: Trek from Thorong Pedi via Thorong La Pass (5416m) Duration: 4-5 hours.
We will be climbing to Thorong La Top today, which will be difficult due to the high altitude and severe winds. Although the trail will be challenging, it will also be gratifying as we overcome obstacles in our path. After a demanding day, our overnight lodging will be a tent camp, offering a distinctive and unforgettable experience. Awe-inspiring mountain panoramic views and the enchanting display of sunrise and sunset over the snow-capped peaks await you at Thorong La Top. There are hardly enough words to express the splendor that lies ahead. We’ll savor the beauty of our surroundings while spending the night at Thorong La Top.

Day 11: Preparation day before climb.
It’s almost time to reach the top of Thorong Peak, but to effectively navigate the obstacles along the way, we need to be well-prepared. We will commit a whole day to learning the requisite technical skills and equipment use knowledge to guarantee our efficiency and safety. Our knowledgeable climbing guide will offer thorough instructions on how to negotiate crevasses, find your way around the path, and get past any possible roadblocks. At Thorong La Top, we will spend the night preparing for our ascent.

Day 12: Summit to Thorong Peak (6145m).
The most important day of our trip is today as we start the thrilling climb to the top of Thorong Peak (6,145m/20,160 ft), an accomplishment that will live vividly in our memory. Rewarding us for our efforts and lifting our spirits, the breathtaking views of magnificent mountain ranges, such as the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Ranges, will spread before us.

Following our pleasure of the breathtaking views from the top, we begin our journey down via a variety of terrains, arriving at the well-known pilgrimage destination of Muktinath, also known as the “place of Salvation.” The holy Muktinath Temple, some monasteries, and the Jwala Mai Temple, which attracts tourists with an everlasting flame fed by natural gas and a natural spring, are all located in Muktinath.

The attraction of the Muktinath Temple is enhanced by the 108 waterspouts that around it. We savor the special moments from the day as we spend the night in Muktinath to round off the day.

Day 13: Extra days for climbing in the event of bad weather or altitude sickness./ trek to Muktinath.
As an optional contingency day, we can adjust our program to accommodate unanticipated events like bad weather or the need for extra acclimatization because of difficulties with altitude. We could decide to use this day to take a much-needed nap or, if the weather and our health allow, to continue exploring the area. If it’s not necessary, we’ll carry out our itinerary and continue on the trip.

Day 14: Trek from Muktinath to Jomsom (2720m) Duration: 5-6 hours.
We will descend from the magnificent Thorung La Pass and take the path that takes us into the breathtaking Kali Gandaki Gorge. We will go via the quaint village of Kagbeni, which is renowned for its extensive heritage of culture. We will finally reach Jomsom, where we will stay the night. We get the chance to fully immerse ourselves in the habits and traditions of the native Tibetan culture in this peaceful town. We’ll get a sense of Jomsom’s spirit by meandering around its serene streets.

Day 15: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara (820M) & transfer to the hotel.
We say goodbye to Jomsom after our amazing hiking experience and take a quick 35-minute flight back to Pokhara. We will be able to take in aerial views of the breathtaking terrain and mountains that we have conquered throughout our spectacular ride. We will descend to 900 meters above sea level and arrive at the stunning city of Pokhara by a lake. Here, we can unwind, revitalize, and think back on our incredible adventure in the Annapurna area.

Day 16: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu. (1,350m) Duration: 6-7 hours.
We get an early start today and head back to Kathmandu via a picturesque drive, leaving Pokhara behind. Approximately seven to eight hours pass throughout the trip, giving us time to enjoy Nepal’s stunning scenery. You may enjoy the city’s luxuries and take a refreshing hot shower once you’re in Kathmandu. Spend the afternoon relaxing and getting some much-needed rest, or visit Thamel, a bustling shopping area popular for its souvenirs.

Day 17: International departure from Kathmandu Airport.
Today is the day of departure when you complete the adventure and head back home. Our personnel will pick you up from your accommodation and drop you off at Tribhuvan International Airport three hours before your scheduled departure time. It was a pleasure having you here.

Contact us for more details


Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Treks Planner Nepal

Why Choose Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal? Undoubtedly, the Annapurna Circuit is one of the most well-known treks in the Himalayas. Originally offered to trekkers who were making their first trip to Nepal over 50 years ago, the Annapurna Circuit has developed into one of the world’s top trekking routes. The circuit passes across every type of terrain and geography while encircling a sizable portion of the Nepal Himalayas.
Many villages cultures, terrains, climates, and ecosystems are encountered along this trip. The Annapurna Circuit is a unique trekking experience due to these abundant and varied encounters.

But most of the original footpaths throughout the circuit have now blended into the rugged jeep track as a result of road construction in recent years. Many passionate trekkers who enjoyed the traditional foot track have been dismayed by this, but new roads have improved the local quality of life and increased accessibility and flexibility for the hiking community. Now, depending on one’s preference, one can choose to walk the whole Annapurna Circuit or just a portion of it.

Although there have been a lot of new trekking routes available recently, the Everest Base Camp trip and the Annapurna Circuit are still the two most popular treks in Nepal. Here are the Top Reasons for Choosing Annapurna Circuit Trekking if you’re on the fence about going on the Annapurna Circuit or another high-altitude trek.


The fact that The Annapurna Circuit includes settlements from several communities is another excellent incentive to undertake it. You will stroll past the villages of the Gurung, Magar, and Chettri communities—who practice animism and Hinduism—in the lower levels.

You will encounter Manangese and Thakkalis communities in the semi-desert region. Manangese originate from Tibet and have more cultural traits with Tibetans than with Hindu Nepalese. Bon practitioners can also be found in the isolated desert valleys. An earlier animistic religion than Buddhism is called Bon. Before Buddhism gained popularity, the majority of the population in the Trans Himalayan area of Tibet and Nepal practiced Bon. Each of these groups has its languages, traditions, and customs. In the nearby villages, you will pause for a break and some food, mingle with the locals, and discover more about their way of life.


You will be treated to breathtaking vistas of the Annapurna I, II, III, and IV, Gangapurna, Nilgiri, Tarke Kang, Lamjung Himal, and other enormous mountains as the Annapurna Circuit trek winds around the Annapurna Range and other high ranges. From the path, one may get a close-up look of Dhaulagiri, the seventh-highest peak in the world, Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain, and Annapurna I, the tenth-highest.


The Annapurna Circuit trip provides more variation and variety than any other climb in Nepal. When it comes to diversity in culture, topography, geography, and environment, the Annapurna Circuit has it all. Along the way, you’ll pass through ice passes, alpine valleys, and lush subtropical jungles. In a few days, you travel semi-arid deserts, rice fields, and lush river valleys. People of different religions and communities come into interaction with you. The Annapurna Conservation Area, home to an abundance of endangered Himalayan plants and animals, is traversed by the Annapurna Circuit.


One of the highlights of the Annapurna Circuit is Thorung La, one of the world’s highest trekking mountain passes. The trek’s highest point is Thorung La Pass, at 5416 meters/17,769 feet. This pass is reached by a strenuous climb at a high height. Enjoy breathtaking vistas of the Tibetan Himalayas and Annapurna Range from the pass’s summit.

The world’s deepest gorge, the Kali Gandaki Gorge, is also traversed along the circuit. Marine fossils called saligrams or ammonites, which originated in the Tethys Sea millions of years ago, can be found in the Kali Gandaki River.


In contrast to other well-known high-altitude trekking routes in Nepal, the Annapurna Circuit is reasonably priced. Food and accommodation costs are lower on this side of the Nepalese Himalayas. For those seeking an affordable high-altitude adventure, the Annapurna Circuit is a fantastic choice.


Thanks to the recently constructed roads, the Annapurna Circuit route is now more varied. Walking for many days before or after the Thorung La Pass crossing might be shortened if you have access to a motorized vehicle. For those who wish to walk the circuit but are short on time, this is an added benefit.


Access to the beginning and finish of the Annapurna Circuit is made simple by the dirt roads that link most of the route’s communities. The construction of roads to Manang and Muktinath has facilitated the process of getting to the trailhead. You can now begin and finish your journey at places that are farther from the original locations. Access to vehicles has also made it simpler to obtain assistance in an emergency.


Since the Annapurna Circuit has been a popular hiking destination for over 50 years, there is no shortage of high-quality lodging along the route. Modern conveniences like hot showers, wi-fi, comfortable mattresses, and Western toilets are provided by the majority of the lodges along the route. The extensive menus offer a wide variety of Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian, and continental meals.


During your travels, you will pass by several revered Buddhist and Hindu sites. One of the main Hindu pilgrimage sites in the Himalayas, Muktinath, can be reached on the latter part of your trek if you complete the circle in a clockwise manner. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the universe’s protector, this ancient temple is situated at the base of the Thorung La Pass. Hindus hold that coming to this temple and taking a bath under its 108 water spouts can help one achieve “mukti,” or salvation, and atone for previous misdeeds.

Near Manang is Tilicho Lake, which is revered by both Buddhists and Hindus. The sacred Kag Bhusundi Tal is what Hindus refer to when they read about it in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Buddhists hold this lake in high regard since it is believed that the saint Milarepa meditated here while traveling over the Himalayas. Along the way, there are several historic caves and Buddhist monasteries in the villages.


For first-time hikers seeking their first high-altitude walking adventure, the Annapurna Circuit is an ideal introduction to high-altitude trekking. Compared to other high-altitude treks like the Manaslu Circuit and the Everest Base Camp Trek, the circuit is less difficult and more doable. Although altitude may be dangerous, the Annapurna Circuit trek is less strenuous, more mellow, and better signposted than other high-altitude climbs.


Other popular trekking routes in the area, like as the Upper Mustang Trek, Nar Phu Valley Trek, Mardi Himal Trek, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, etc., have links to the Annapurna Circuit route. During the trek, one can divert off course, or after finishing the circuit, one can go on down the new path.

The historic settlement of Kagbeni is where you may join the Upper Mustang trek route after descending from the Thorung La Pass. This region is home to the well-known sky caves, a significant Tibetan culture, and an arid desert terrain. The historic walled city of Lho, the former kingdom, is where the expedition comes to a head. For Upper Mustang, jeep trips are also offered.

You may explore the secluded Nar-Phu Valley before going over the Thorung La peak. The valley is near Tibet, therefore entry requires special authorization. Nomadic yak herders are camped out in the open meadows here in this remote location, using traditional tents for lodging. Given that the majority of the population is descended from Tibetan migrants who migrated out of Tibet many years ago, the impact of Tibet is particularly strong. You take the Kang La Pass on your way back to Manang after seeing Nar Phu. You have the option to hike to Jomsom over the Meso Kanta Pass, avoiding the Thorong La Pass. Note that the Nar-Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit trip is not suggested for novices because of its difficulty level.

You may descend from Jomsom to Tatopani via the Thakkali villages of Marpha (the apple capital of Nepal), Tukuche, Larjung, Kalopani, and Ghasa to reach the routes to Ghorepani-Poon Hill, Mardi Himal, and Annapurna Base Camp.

You can witness the distinctive Nepalese hill environment in the lower Annapurna region, where routes meander past rhododendron trees, terraced farms, and mountain villages home to Gurung and Magar populations. There are overlooks where you may take in breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, and nature is quite wonderful. The Ghorepani Poon Hill walk winds through one of the largest rhododendron forests in the world, which in the springtime becomes a paradise covered in a profusion of pink and red blossoms.

Once the Annapurna Circuit is completed in an anticlockwise manner (by crossing Throng La from Muktinath and reaching Manang), the path to the Manaslu Circuit is accessible. After leaving Manang, you descend to Dharapani, where the Manaslu Circuit and the Annapurna Circuit connect.


The largest conservation area in Nepal, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), contains the Annapurna Circuit. The Red Panda, Snow Leopard, Tibetan Antelope, Musk deer, Clouded Leopard, and several vibrant birds and butterflies’ habitats are all along the circuit’s meandering path. Alpine goats may be seen jumping up the sheer cliff faces, while herds of yaks can be seen grazing in the alpine meadows.

The Himalayan plant known as Caterpillar Fungus, or Yarsagumba, is highly valued for its therapeutic characteristics and may be found hunting in the highlands of Manang. The plant, often referred to as Himalayan Viagra, is a common ingredient in traditional Tibetan and Chinese remedies. The people travel to Namke, Khangsar, and Narphu in the Upper Mustang highlands in May and June to harvest this herb.


Walking the Annapurna Circuit is also a great way to take in some of its distinctive and colorful celebrations. Among the intriguing celebrations observed in the mountain communities along the Annapurna Circuit are:

Yarthung: Upper Manang celebrates Yarthung, also known as the Horse Racing Festival, in June or July. At a venue called Ta Khill Thang, horse racing competitions take place. Riders and spectators alike dress in traditional garb. People dance and sing in celebration following the race. They thereafter proceed to the Kargyu Gompa and Pocho Gumba to burn butter lamps and ask for blessings.

Metha or Dhachang (Archery event): Held in Chame and other Lower Manang villages, this event showcases local archers’ prowess as they vie for awards. The four-day festival takes place in April/May. The lamas, or monks, hold a cleansing rite on the last day during which they dance in masks, or cham, to ward off evil spirits from the community.

Badhe: The inhabitants of Nyeshang commemorate the ancient festival of Badhe every three years. The communities perform a complex performance in the open field during this event.

Torkya: The Harvest festival is observed in early November following agricultural harvesting. In the hamlet of Ngawal, it is observed with thanksgiving to the Buddhist deities and offerings made to the lamas or monks.

Dawa Dhukpa: The monks play drums, cymbals, trumpets, and conch shells while the people parade throughout the hamlet while carrying the sacred Buddhist scriptures on their heads. It is believed that attending this June celebration will bring abundant crops and pleasant weather.

Nei Festival: Ngawal Village celebrates this Bon holiday. The peasants pray to the trees and stones in hopes of receiving benefits. At the Nen Cave, a ceremony is performed and the cave is revered. The Nen Cave has been revered by the locals for more than five hundred years.


The majority of hikers begin and complete their journey in Pokhara, a stunning lakeside city. After a strenuous hike, Pokhara is the ideal destination to decompress and rejuvenate since it is calmer and less hectic than Kathmandu. Situated in a lush valley, the city is encircled by snow-capped Machapucchre or Fishtail Peak and luscious hills. You may take a break to relax and revitalize yourself at spa resorts, yoga retreats, and meditation centers.

In addition, Pokhara has exhilarating outdoor activities including sky diving, hot air ballooning, rafting, zip line, paragliding, and bungy jumping. Short-day treks may be taken to some of the Chettri and Gurung communities outside of the city, where you can stay in a homestay provided by a local family.


These are some of the strongest reasons in favor of doing the Annapurna Circuit tour. We advise you to cross the Annapurna Circuit off your bucket list. The scenery is as stunning as it gets in the Himalayas, and the trek is excellent. The Annapurna Circuit offers better accommodations, safety, prices, and accessibility than other high-altitude treks.


The Most Adventure Activities To Do in Nepal

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Treks Planner Nepal

The Most Adventure Activities To Do in Nepal. With its diverse landscapes, Nepal is an ideal destination for adventure lovers, offering exhilarating experiences. From renowned treks and mountain climbing adventures to exciting activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, and paragliding, Nepal’s spirit of adventure enthralls travelers. Take part in ground activities like rock climbing, jungle safaris, and more, as well as water sports like white water rafting, canyoning, and kayaking.

Every experience offers a different combination of culture, nature, and thrill. For those looking for an adrenaline rush, Nepal promises an amazing adventure. Check out the comprehensive list of all the thrilling things you can do in Nepal.



In Pokhara, Nepal, where the spectacular Annapurna range sets the backdrop for an adventure mixed with adrenaline and breathtaking scenery, soar into the skies with the renowned paragliding sport. With mild thermals and bright skies, this place in Pokhara’s picturesque Sarangkot Hill is perfect for paragliders.

Starting at 1,610 meters, the route takes one by car to Sarangkot Hill. The weightless climb starts with the passenger strapped into a tandem paraglider with an expert pilot. Witness the towering Himalayas, lush greenery, and Phewa Lake from above. Through the clouds are vistas of Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, and the Annapurna range. Enjoy the thrilling freedom of flying for half an hour before softly landing on the lakeside of Phewa Lake. This is the perfect experience for everyone who likes adventure.


The ultimate leap of faith from the top of the world is among the most exhilarating experiences on our list. For the boldly daring, skydiving over Everest is a stunning experience. Fly towards Earth at 8,839 meters with Everest as your magnificent backdrop. For genuinely courageous people, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
One of the world’s most daring airports, Lukla Airport, is where your adventure starts. As you reach the drop zone, leave the villages and monasteries below and board a helicopter above the skies. Prepare to jump at this perplexing altitude with a seasoned, reliable skydiving instructor. The wind howls at you during the first few seconds, which is pure adrenaline.


Experience flying like never before with ultralight flights in Nepal—a level of flying neither commercial nor helicopter travel can equal. You will ride between 3,000 and 5,000 meters over the snow-capped peaks, enjoying the sound of the wind and the alpine air.

Airport Pokhara is where the adventure starts. Following a briefing, you and your expert pilot will belt up in an open-air cockpit. You’ll roll gently as you lift off above the picturesque Phewa Lake. In addition to the exhilaration of flight, you will see the expansive views of the Annapurna range for thirty minutes. Through the clouds are views of Dhaulagiri and Machhapuchhre. It will be thrilling to see the lake, vibrant boats, verdant surroundings, historic towns, and monasteries from above.


The experience of ZipLining amid verdant landscapes and spectacular mountain panoramas is a must for thrill-seekers. Take a zipline trip in Kushma, Nepal, and experience soaring across breathtaking countryside while harnessed into a line. Situated in the Annapurna area, close to Pokhara, Kushma offers breathtaking views of the Kali Gandaki River, waterfalls, and verdant woods.

Before being launched down the zipline, you will be fastened to a strong harness. It’s one of Nepal’s longest ziplines, spanning 1.5 km in total. When you zoom down, you’ll feel your hair being brushed by the wind. Take on the incredible Zipline adventure in Kushma and experience the beauty and adrenaline thrill of Nepal.



Mera Peak is among the beginner-friendly peaks in Nepal where mountain climbing experiences typically begin. For those looking to have comparable experiences before embarking on a real, demanding mountain climbing expedition, ascending Mera Peak offers the ultimate rush.

Mera Peak, located in the Khumbu area at 6,476 m, presents an exhilarating challenge for climbers looking for an experience apart from the usual route. Start with the flight to Lukla in the Khumbu area, followed by an exploration of Sherpa communities. Although physically taxing, the eighteen-day hike and ascent are worthwhile.

The best parts of this experience include trekking through the Hinku Valley, sleeping at the foot of the peaks, learning how to use climbing equipment, and tackling a difficult glacier ascent. Also, you’ll see encouraging sights of Everest, Makalu, and Cho Oyu.


Setting off on a daring expedition to Island Peak is another challenging experience. At 6,189 meters, the Island Peak in Nepal’s Khumbu area is one of the most well-liked mountain climbing destinations. For those seeking adventure and a higher 8,000-meter peak to climb, it’s the perfect challenge.

The adventure starts with an exhilarating flight to Lukla, followed by trekking through verdant scenery and Sherpa communities. Reaching the summit provides amazing views of Lhotse, Nuptse, and Ama Dablam after navigating the treacherous ice and rock parts. This amazing trip, which usually lasts 15 to 18 days, combines breathtaking Himalayan scenery with challenging climbing.



The Everest Base Camp Trek is a renowned worldwide adventure in the Himalayas. Throughout this incredible trip, which lasts between 12 and 16 days, you will cross difficult terrain and reach altitudes that will push your limits.
Discover historic monasteries like Tengboche, pulsating with spiritual peace amidst the rough terrain, during your tour to the lap of the world’s highest peak. Explore lively Sherpa communities to create bonds with the community. The trek’s main features include an excursion to the famous Kala Patthar peak and breathtaking vistas of Everest, Lhotse, and Nuptse. An incredible trip is both a physical achievement and a mind-blowing encounter with the world’s tallest peaks.


The Annapurna Circuit is a popular trekking route offering various trekking experiences and an unmatched sense of adventure in the center of western Nepal. This trek, which lasts for 15 to 20 days, takes you through various landscapes, including alpine meadows, lush subtropical forests, and even the deserts of Manang and Mustang. Enjoy the magnificent Machapuchare, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna Massif. Explore the quaint towns of Manang and Pisang, home to historic temples and monasteries with a strong Himalayan cultural influence.

The spiritual experience at Muktinath Temple and the tranquility of Tilicho Lake—one of the highest—showcase the circuit’s diversity beyond its physical features. Adventure seekers seeking a blend of natural beauty and cultural diversity must do this expedition.


Famous for its proximity to Kathmandu and its unique combination of adventure and abundant flora and fauna, the Langtang Valley Trek is an exciting Himalayan escape. Ten to twelve days are needed for the trek, which passes through quiet Tamang settlements, thick forests of rhododendrons, and stunning scenery inside Langtang National Park.

Explore the local way of life by touring historic monasteries such as Kyanjin Gompa, which is adorned with colorful prayer flags. With its breathtaking scenery, the walk provides sweeping vistas of the Langtang Lirung and Ganesh Himal peaks. Experience the spiritual tranquility of the holy Gosaikunda Lake and the kind welcome of the local people. Trekking in the Langtang Valley offers a brief yet remarkable experience with its breathtaking scenery and cultural immersion.


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