Why Choose Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal? Undoubtedly, the Annapurna Circuit is one of the most well-known treks in the Himalayas. Originally offered to trekkers who were making their first trip to Nepal over 50 years ago, the Annapurna Circuit has developed into one of the world’s top trekking routes. The circuit passes across every type of terrain and geography while encircling a sizable portion of the Nepal Himalayas.
Many villages cultures, terrains, climates, and ecosystems are encountered along this trip. The Annapurna Circuit is a unique trekking experience due to these abundant and varied encounters.

But most of the original footpaths throughout the circuit have now blended into the rugged jeep track as a result of road construction in recent years. Many passionate trekkers who enjoyed the traditional foot track have been dismayed by this, but new roads have improved the local quality of life and increased accessibility and flexibility for the hiking community. Now, depending on one’s preference, one can choose to walk the whole Annapurna Circuit or just a portion of it.

Although there have been a lot of new trekking routes available recently, the Everest Base Camp trip and the Annapurna Circuit are still the two most popular treks in Nepal. Here are the Top Reasons for Choosing Annapurna Circuit Trekking if you’re on the fence about going on the Annapurna Circuit or another high-altitude trek.


The fact that The Annapurna Circuit includes settlements from several communities is another excellent incentive to undertake it. You will stroll past the villages of the Gurung, Magar, and Chettri communities—who practice animism and Hinduism—in the lower levels.

You will encounter Manangese and Thakkalis communities in the semi-desert region. Manangese originate from Tibet and have more cultural traits with Tibetans than with Hindu Nepalese. Bon practitioners can also be found in the isolated desert valleys. An earlier animistic religion than Buddhism is called Bon. Before Buddhism gained popularity, the majority of the population in the Trans Himalayan area of Tibet and Nepal practiced Bon. Each of these groups has its languages, traditions, and customs. In the nearby villages, you will pause for a break and some food, mingle with the locals, and discover more about their way of life.


You will be treated to breathtaking vistas of the Annapurna I, II, III, and IV, Gangapurna, Nilgiri, Tarke Kang, Lamjung Himal, and other enormous mountains as the Annapurna Circuit trek winds around the Annapurna Range and other high ranges. From the path, one may get a close-up look of Dhaulagiri, the seventh-highest peak in the world, Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain, and Annapurna I, the tenth-highest.


The Annapurna Circuit trip provides more variation and variety than any other climb in Nepal. When it comes to diversity in culture, topography, geography, and environment, the Annapurna Circuit has it all. Along the way, you’ll pass through ice passes, alpine valleys, and lush subtropical jungles. In a few days, you travel semi-arid deserts, rice fields, and lush river valleys. People of different religions and communities come into interaction with you. The Annapurna Conservation Area, home to an abundance of endangered Himalayan plants and animals, is traversed by the Annapurna Circuit.


One of the highlights of the Annapurna Circuit is Thorung La, one of the world’s highest trekking mountain passes. The trek’s highest point is Thorung La Pass, at 5416 meters/17,769 feet. This pass is reached by a strenuous climb at a high height. Enjoy breathtaking vistas of the Tibetan Himalayas and Annapurna Range from the pass’s summit.

The world’s deepest gorge, the Kali Gandaki Gorge, is also traversed along the circuit. Marine fossils called saligrams or ammonites, which originated in the Tethys Sea millions of years ago, can be found in the Kali Gandaki River.


In contrast to other well-known high-altitude trekking routes in Nepal, the Annapurna Circuit is reasonably priced. Food and accommodation costs are lower on this side of the Nepalese Himalayas. For those seeking an affordable high-altitude adventure, the Annapurna Circuit is a fantastic choice.


Thanks to the recently constructed roads, the Annapurna Circuit route is now more varied. Walking for many days before or after the Thorung La Pass crossing might be shortened if you have access to a motorized vehicle. For those who wish to walk the circuit but are short on time, this is an added benefit.


Access to the beginning and finish of the Annapurna Circuit is made simple by the dirt roads that link most of the route’s communities. The construction of roads to Manang and Muktinath has facilitated the process of getting to the trailhead. You can now begin and finish your journey at places that are farther from the original locations. Access to vehicles has also made it simpler to obtain assistance in an emergency.


Since the Annapurna Circuit has been a popular hiking destination for over 50 years, there is no shortage of high-quality lodging along the route. Modern conveniences like hot showers, wi-fi, comfortable mattresses, and Western toilets are provided by the majority of the lodges along the route. The extensive menus offer a wide variety of Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian, and continental meals.


During your travels, you will pass by several revered Buddhist and Hindu sites. One of the main Hindu pilgrimage sites in the Himalayas, Muktinath, can be reached on the latter part of your trek if you complete the circle in a clockwise manner. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the universe’s protector, this ancient temple is situated at the base of the Thorung La Pass. Hindus hold that coming to this temple and taking a bath under its 108 water spouts can help one achieve “mukti,” or salvation, and atone for previous misdeeds.

Near Manang is Tilicho Lake, which is revered by both Buddhists and Hindus. The sacred Kag Bhusundi Tal is what Hindus refer to when they read about it in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Buddhists hold this lake in high regard since it is believed that the saint Milarepa meditated here while traveling over the Himalayas. Along the way, there are several historic caves and Buddhist monasteries in the villages.


For first-time hikers seeking their first high-altitude walking adventure, the Annapurna Circuit is an ideal introduction to high-altitude trekking. Compared to other high-altitude treks like the Manaslu Circuit and the Everest Base Camp Trek, the circuit is less difficult and more doable. Although altitude may be dangerous, the Annapurna Circuit trek is less strenuous, more mellow, and better signposted than other high-altitude climbs.


Other popular trekking routes in the area, like as the Upper Mustang Trek, Nar Phu Valley Trek, Mardi Himal Trek, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, etc., have links to the Annapurna Circuit route. During the trek, one can divert off course, or after finishing the circuit, one can go on down the new path.

The historic settlement of Kagbeni is where you may join the Upper Mustang trek route after descending from the Thorung La Pass. This region is home to the well-known sky caves, a significant Tibetan culture, and an arid desert terrain. The historic walled city of Lho, the former kingdom, is where the expedition comes to a head. For Upper Mustang, jeep trips are also offered.

You may explore the secluded Nar-Phu Valley before going over the Thorung La peak. The valley is near Tibet, therefore entry requires special authorization. Nomadic yak herders are camped out in the open meadows here in this remote location, using traditional tents for lodging. Given that the majority of the population is descended from Tibetan migrants who migrated out of Tibet many years ago, the impact of Tibet is particularly strong. You take the Kang La Pass on your way back to Manang after seeing Nar Phu. You have the option to hike to Jomsom over the Meso Kanta Pass, avoiding the Thorong La Pass. Note that the Nar-Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit trip is not suggested for novices because of its difficulty level.

You may descend from Jomsom to Tatopani via the Thakkali villages of Marpha (the apple capital of Nepal), Tukuche, Larjung, Kalopani, and Ghasa to reach the routes to Ghorepani-Poon Hill, Mardi Himal, and Annapurna Base Camp.

You can witness the distinctive Nepalese hill environment in the lower Annapurna region, where routes meander past rhododendron trees, terraced farms, and mountain villages home to Gurung and Magar populations. There are overlooks where you may take in breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, and nature is quite wonderful. The Ghorepani Poon Hill walk winds through one of the largest rhododendron forests in the world, which in the springtime becomes a paradise covered in a profusion of pink and red blossoms.

Once the Annapurna Circuit is completed in an anticlockwise manner (by crossing Throng La from Muktinath and reaching Manang), the path to the Manaslu Circuit is accessible. After leaving Manang, you descend to Dharapani, where the Manaslu Circuit and the Annapurna Circuit connect.


The largest conservation area in Nepal, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), contains the Annapurna Circuit. The Red Panda, Snow Leopard, Tibetan Antelope, Musk deer, Clouded Leopard, and several vibrant birds and butterflies’ habitats are all along the circuit’s meandering path. Alpine goats may be seen jumping up the sheer cliff faces, while herds of yaks can be seen grazing in the alpine meadows.

The Himalayan plant known as Caterpillar Fungus, or Yarsagumba, is highly valued for its therapeutic characteristics and may be found hunting in the highlands of Manang. The plant, often referred to as Himalayan Viagra, is a common ingredient in traditional Tibetan and Chinese remedies. The people travel to Namke, Khangsar, and Narphu in the Upper Mustang highlands in May and June to harvest this herb.


Walking the Annapurna Circuit is also a great way to take in some of its distinctive and colorful celebrations. Among the intriguing celebrations observed in the mountain communities along the Annapurna Circuit are:

Yarthung: Upper Manang celebrates Yarthung, also known as the Horse Racing Festival, in June or July. At a venue called Ta Khill Thang, horse racing competitions take place. Riders and spectators alike dress in traditional garb. People dance and sing in celebration following the race. They thereafter proceed to the Kargyu Gompa and Pocho Gumba to burn butter lamps and ask for blessings.

Metha or Dhachang (Archery event): Held in Chame and other Lower Manang villages, this event showcases local archers’ prowess as they vie for awards. The four-day festival takes place in April/May. The lamas, or monks, hold a cleansing rite on the last day during which they dance in masks, or cham, to ward off evil spirits from the community.

Badhe: The inhabitants of Nyeshang commemorate the ancient festival of Badhe every three years. The communities perform a complex performance in the open field during this event.

Torkya: The Harvest festival is observed in early November following agricultural harvesting. In the hamlet of Ngawal, it is observed with thanksgiving to the Buddhist deities and offerings made to the lamas or monks.

Dawa Dhukpa: The monks play drums, cymbals, trumpets, and conch shells while the people parade throughout the hamlet while carrying the sacred Buddhist scriptures on their heads. It is believed that attending this June celebration will bring abundant crops and pleasant weather.

Nei Festival: Ngawal Village celebrates this Bon holiday. The peasants pray to the trees and stones in hopes of receiving benefits. At the Nen Cave, a ceremony is performed and the cave is revered. The Nen Cave has been revered by the locals for more than five hundred years.


The majority of hikers begin and complete their journey in Pokhara, a stunning lakeside city. After a strenuous hike, Pokhara is the ideal destination to decompress and rejuvenate since it is calmer and less hectic than Kathmandu. Situated in a lush valley, the city is encircled by snow-capped Machapucchre or Fishtail Peak and luscious hills. You may take a break to relax and revitalize yourself at spa resorts, yoga retreats, and meditation centers.

In addition, Pokhara has exhilarating outdoor activities including sky diving, hot air ballooning, rafting, zip line, paragliding, and bungy jumping. Short-day treks may be taken to some of the Chettri and Gurung communities outside of the city, where you can stay in a homestay provided by a local family.


These are some of the strongest reasons in favor of doing the Annapurna Circuit tour. We advise you to cross the Annapurna Circuit off your bucket list. The scenery is as stunning as it gets in the Himalayas, and the trek is excellent. The Annapurna Circuit offers better accommodations, safety, prices, and accessibility than other high-altitude treks.


Tilicho Lake with Annapurna Circuit Trekking

Introductory information

Annapurna circuit trekking course is itself inside the Annapurna mountain scope of central Nepal, which encircles the Annapurna massif by crossing couple of distinctive stream valleys along after seizing complete distance of the courses which varies between (160-230 km) depending on the concluding destination. Correspondingly, Tilicho Lake is pinpointed at a grand elevation of (4919 m/ 16,138 ft) proportionate to sea level, holding length nearby 4 km, width of 1.2 km and depth around 85 m with total surface territory of 4.8 km2 thenceforth, which is compensated virtually as highest elevated lake all throughout the planet.

Attractions of Annapurna Circuit and Tilicho Lake trekking
  • Close Mountain views of throughout Annapurna massif including (Annapurna 1-4), Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhare, Manaslu, Tilicho peak and Pisang peak.
  • Exploration of Tilicho base camp at an elevation of (4,200 m/ 13,780 ft) and investigate Tilicho Lake (World’s high elevated lake) at an elevation of (4919 m/ 16,138 ft) equivalent to sea level.
  • Complicated and breathtaking stroll experience via Thorong La pass, (World’s highest pass) at an elevation of (5,416 m/ 17,769 ft) with unbelievable 360° landscapes.
  • Unique cultures with breathtaking facts along opportunity to analysis the surviving strategy of individuals throughout Annapurna region.
Annapurna circuit trekking route/ chain with Tilicho Lake

In fact, Annapurna territory was unfolded for remote trekkers in 1977 AD before that there was lofty confinement by the administration of Nepal. Thenceforth, multiple chains are designed and developed further but usually trekkers prefer and pursue standard Annapurna Circuit trekking route which encounters Tilicho Lake en route. Embracing with spectacular drive to Syange and developing trek totally forward being passed through Dharapani, Chame, Pisang, Manang, Siri Kharkha takes to Tilicho base camp before encountering Tilicho Lake. Ahead, Thorong La pass, Muktinath, Tatopani, Ghorepani and Poon hill assists to Nayapul to Pokhara for concluding the standard trekking chain.

Check Tilicho Lake And Annapurna Circuit Trek Package

Perfect package for Annapurna circuit and Tilicho Lake trekking

Till now, numerous of packages are designed by opposed professional and expertise highlighting upon different terms and conditions. Thenceforth, some packages seem to be seizing compact period and some seem to be seizing extended period. However, trekker holding less time for exploration can seize compact packages and trekkers holding enough time further can pick up according to their preference. Besides, none of the packages are permanent, outlining and customizing package according to personal preference is brilliant decision for displaying ideal package.

Annapurna Circuit trekking with Tilicho Lake difficulty level

Concluding Annapurna circuit trek with Tilicho Lake is extremely complicated and adventurous undertaking with maximum elevation of (5,416 m/ 17,769 ft) proportionate to sea level at Thorong La Pass. While admiring the run down and ups of complicated chain of trekking, majestic stamina with great physical condition are the indispensable prerequisites to conclude trek in normal manner. All over, Annapurna circuit with Tilicho Lake is moderate chain after considering proper workouts and effort. Along, in like manner, because of natural calamities and other compact disasters issues can be updated en route.

Check Tilicho Lake And Annapurna Circuit Trek Package

Essential info’s for Annapurna Circuit trekking with Tilicho Lake

Documents and pays: Passport (remaining validity of more than half year is demanded so be sure your passport holds span more than it’s required), separate photocopies of passport, proof of insurance, 2 extra pp size photos, airline tickets, card money, ready money for purchasing Nepalese visa at Airport and (for withdrawing funds bank/ATM) photocopies of identity.

Body wears: Head scarf, spectaculars, head light with elective, shades, half and long sleeves upper wears, wind cheater jacket, waterproof jacket, light warm tops and match of ordinary, gloves, Inner wears, trekking shorts, trekking trousers, waterproof pants, typical socks, comfortable trekking shoes and some woolen wears.

Practical and welfare items: Sleeping bag, large travel bag, compact personal carry bag, camera with extra batteries, binoculars, mini folding knife, anti-bacteria hand wash, toiletries, guide books, pocket travel games, power bank. First aid box including band aids, anti-loose motion pills, anti headache pills, cold and cough medicine, anti-altitude sickness pills, water purification tablets and stomach antibiotic.

Besides, these are vital requirements, items can vary according to seasons and conditions so, don’t neglect to argue with trekking agency once before developing trek ahead.

Chance of altitude sickness and required physical preparation

Being the maximum elevation, at the tip of (5,416 m/ 17,769 ft) from sea level obviously, it holds chance to establish altitude sickness on trekkers. Thenceforth, lengthy shot increment is to be assign with by tired effects of height issues if nonattendance of respect is understood. Hence, powerful breathing exercise and hiking towards height assists you to adjust with thinner layer of oxygen. Exercises especially beneficial and related with heart, platelet and lungs would be virtuous for being strongly prepared before encountering Annapurna circuit with Tilicho Lake.

Best season to trek Annapurna circuit with Tilicho Lake

Together we can set up a period as shown by your tendency close for trekking Annapurna circuit with Tilicho Lake.  Recommending through (March to May) and (September to November)  are sensible atmosphere in Nepal other than (December to February) relegates chilly with mists which can intrude on scenes in the midst of trek in like manner (June to August) grabs somewhat ineligible time on the grounds that because of impromptu precipitation, dangerous and entangled trail. Mastery utters that on-season offers awesome rewards in like manner off-season creates uniqueness with adventure alongside limits rewards.

Check Tilicho Lake And Annapurna Circuit Trek Package

Trekking with us

Safety: The most dropped reason expressed by trekkers associated with us in the wake of interfacing is significantly rewarding along successful and safe conclude.

Adjustment: It is anything but not a fairytale to discover the ideal spot for working efficient and effective acclimatization also camps which assists to the pointed goal with real alteration.

Guide: Qualities holding high range of knowledge upon opposed languages and throughout domain for making up trekking wander more extraordinary and amazing with clearance about issues.

Information: Without negligence, there are multiple hidden attractions on the way holding distinctive certainties and facts. Besides, missing them is without a doubt disregarded while trekking with us.

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