Buddhist pilgrimage tour Nepal

Buddhist pilgrimage tour Nepal

Introduction to Buddhism

With more than over 500 million followers, Buddhism encircles an isolated category of traditions, beliefs, and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Buddha (Light of Asia). Besides, it is believed that Buddhism was originally originated from Asia during between 4th to 6th centuries and on the present span, 7% of the global population along 9% population of Nepal are recognized as Buddhist. Likewise, entire Buddhist conventions share the objective of overcoming suffering and the cycle of death either by the accomplishment of Nirvana or through the direction of Buddha.

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Why attend Buddhist pilgrimage tour in Nepal

The birthplace of Gautam Buddha (Light of Asia) is holding ancient Maya Devi Temple and Ashoka Pillar which is still safeguarded in eastern territory of Kapilvastu district, Nepal.

Nepal is identified as the single destination for analyzing the actual life story of Lord Buddha (Light of Asia).

Boudhanath Stupa (Largest monastery of the world) erected on 15th century popularly known as Bouddha (Major pilgrimage site of World) gives a sense of real Buddhism.

Numerous monasteries are there holding different characteristics throughout fair and unfair destinations with a unique and genuine range of Buddhist teaching and practice.

Is Nepal safe to visit after 2015 earthquake?

The epicenter was east of Gorkha district at Barpak and hypocenter was at depth of approximately 8.2 km with the magnitude of 7.8 Mw which totally destroyed throughout territory covered by minor settlements holding mud and stone houses. Besides, Nepal is still safe to travel even after the strike of worst natural disaster because the majorly affected district was five likewise seven districts was lesser affected and remaining other territory are untouched. Tourism board has already checked entire major divisions and destinations focusing upon cultural and traditional heritage site and declared safe to travel.  Almost major exploring destinations are equitable moreover repairing and reconstructions of heritage sites are covered. Of course, Nepal identifies itself safe destination now and on upcoming years.

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Buddhist pilgrimage destinations to visit in Nepal


Lumbini is really ideal pilgrimage site for every one of the Buddhists from everywhere throughout the globe. Lumbini today seizes the lake where Buddha was bathed after he was born and a temple which has images of young Buddha with his mother. There is additionally a stone pillar which is one of such multiple pillars put by the popular Indian head Ashoka to stamp the vital sites identified with Buddhaโ€™s life in 19th century. In an uncovering made few years ago more objects of verifiable significance were found besides there are numerous attractive stupas in Lumbini made by numerous Buddhist nations of the worldโ€” Thailand, China, Sri Lanka, Japan, Myanmar and many more others.

Boudhanath Stupa

One of the most appreciated spot โ€œBoudhanath Stupaโ€ (Largest and well-known stupa in Nepal) erected on 15th century popularly known as Bouddha was built on past 14th century with over 50 gompas throughout. The large Buddha eyes on stupa and the colorful praying flags creates different eye catching frame throughout stupa. The Buddhist stupa dominates the skyline and in fact it is also numbered in the list of largest stupas throughout the planet along it is also enlisted on list of world heritage site too. On todayโ€™s context, this destination is considered as largest Buddhist pilgrimage site.

Swyambhunath Stupa

The name โ€œSwyambhunathโ€ signifies โ€œSelf-Createdโ€ and legend says the religious site appeared over 2,000 years back when the valley was made out of an antiquated lake. Now, most commonly identified as โ€œMonkey templeโ€ the Swyambhunath is one of the ancient landmarks of Kathmandu valley which was erected only on past 5th century. Situated on a hilltop, this heavenly hallowed spot displays a forcing white stupa with fascinating Buddha eyes and a gleaming golden spire. One of the most prominent spot in the city, the Swyambhunath sanctuary additionally offers stunning perspectives of Buddhist teaching and practices in genuine way.

Namo Buddha

Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery (Tibetan Monastery) which is a standout amongst the most essential Buddhist pilgrimage site in Nepal likewise one of the holiest on the planet. It is believed that in a past life about more than 6,000 years ago, as a prince Buddha, gave his body to a starving tigress and her cubs. The bones of ruler were brought back in the town and covered in the tomb where real stupa of Namo Buddha is now. It is additionally trusted that after later Gautam Buddha renamed this spot on the name of Namo Buddha which means Homage to Buddha.

Kapan Gumba

Kapan Monastery is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery which was established by the FPMTโ€™s authors, Lamas Thubten Yeshe and Thubten Zopa Rinpoche who bought the property from Nepalโ€™s royal astrologer in 1969. Its name originates from the name of the slope on which it is established. Kapan monastery has turned out to be particularly celebrated for training Buddhism to visiting and interested Western foreigners. These courses for the most part consolidate customary Lam Rim lessons with casual exchange, a few times of guided contemplation, and a vegetarian diet.

Tour with us

Safety: The most focused reason uttered by potential and professional travelers after attaching with us is highly secured and successful tour with safe end.

Guide: Contribution of guide (qualities holding powerful knowledge of entire domains along with high range of English speaking power) for establishing trip more wonderful and awesome. 

Information: In fact, there are multitudinous hidden attractions holding different facts and unbelievable myths along missing them is totally neglected while trekking with us.

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